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Avram in MD


Sorry I didn’t comment on your plan beforehand.

Create a European union type Superstate over the entire county.

This would be done as part of a peace agreement with the Palestinians and include the West Bank and Gaza, or would this only be in effect within the pre-1967 borders?

Then split it into 5 federal states:

This would seemingly ease the stepping on toes among groups, but how would it solve anything in HaKatan’s world view (e.g., the three oaths, Zionism, etc.)

4: The seculars

Assuming this plan arose from my hypothetical situation where everyone came around to HaKatan’s view of Zionism – I’m not sure there would still be seculars. The views of the religious Zionists would also be quite changed.

Full population swap,

This would cause considerable hardship and resentment.

taxation, benefits, laws, security, etc. only from the federal state.

You mean from the Euro Union style state, or each individual state?