Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

Home Forums Controversial Topics Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

Just Emes

I am not saying that Rabbanim are happy that the state is primarily run by non religious jews – however the issue of whether that actual state building itself was kefira- still stands as mutar- due to a variety of reasons including the reshus and permission of the previous governing nations and authorities – allowed by a majority of Gedolim including Rav Moshe who was a gadol among gedolim. The question Hagoan Harav R’ Elya Weintraub of Bnei Brak asked Rav Moshe was most likely post the state and yet it was condoned. Furthermore- while many non religious jews helped found the state their were rabbanim as well who contributed to its founding and were even on the platform at the declaration. Plus as per the Brisker RAv, who was against the state- he said to his sons – now that the MOetzes Gedolei HAtorah of AGudas Yisroel( of 1937 pre war europe) voted in favor it will happen. The Brisker Rav knew that once that decsion was made- Hashem would inevitably create the state. Lastly, again the mashal of hakaras hatov to Mitzrayim comes to mind – for even if you are not willing to due the required historical research as to the diversity of Gedolim’s rulings on this matter – there is no way that mitzrayim who killed us , phyically and spiritually – is any worse than israel who for decades have allowed Torah students to learn in addition to financial support-as well as who provided the protection of the people by the IDF (with HAshem’s help of course) – we should certainly have hakaras hatov even to the state while at the same time stand up for our religious values and hopefully in mutual respect – change the country’s views for the better