Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

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Just Emes

Hakatan – i hope you will read these words very carefully- The midrash states that there are 49 ways to purify and 49 ways to impurify ( 49 to allow ,49 to prohibit) any issue in the Torah – and it is given to the majority of leaders of each generation to decide in which direction the psak will ultimately go (see Ritva Eiruvin 13 — on eilu v’eilu). I do not disagree that the Satmar Rav , Rav Elchanon, R, Aharon Kotler and others prohibited any form of state before mashiach –HOWEVER- the Majority on the B”D of Klal Yisrael (as the Brisker Rav himself stated) voted against this opinion and in favor of state with no violation of any oaths if given with permission , proper boundaries, and eventual religiosity of state etc.. Furthermore , R’ Meir Simcha (Meshech Chochma) agreed to this position as well as Rav Moshe, who was considered the Posek Hador even among Gedolim. The RIGHT to make state based on oath related issues has NOTHING to do with the individual or communal religiosity of the founders of that state – and deals only with the ruling nations viewpoint. In regards to Pikuach Nefesh – many would argue that before the state- as in the time of the Holocaust- we already were targeted as we always have been- and now at least we have an opportunity to defend ourselves (haba lihargicha hashkem lihargo)The Jews did not take Yerushalyim just because — they took it as is common in any defensive battle to push back the enemies in order to ensure safety. Now in relation to dechikas haketz (which is one of 6 oaths not 3 by the way) see Hagoan Rav Yechezkal Abramsky (the chazon Yechezkel)on parshus vayigash (46;4) who states that perhaps while in other galus periods such as galus mitzrayim and galus bavel Hashem prescribed as a set time for the galus – so that if we were to try to end it earlier (as the Bnei Efraim did and were punished for that effort) – it would not be allowed — By the Galus Hachrona – where the end was not prescribed and revealed by Hashem – every day is the zman “kol yom zmano hu” -and therefore no issue currently of dechikas haketz . He further states that “yaalu bichoma” remains but that it refers to going to EY bederech milchama – but Jews can go up Bi’shalom in peace. Lastly, as per the reshus of ruling authorities of land of israel at the time i.e. THE UN binding majority vote allowed them to form state bi’shalom. ONLY later on did Arabs attack (of which they might have done anyways) and we then as the Torah permits us -defended ourselves and by siyyata dishmaya survived.