Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

Home Forums Controversial Topics Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)


HaKatan: The fact is that R’ Soloveitchik held it was ok. It doesn’t matter what his father held – he is still a legitimate shittah to follow! Rabbeinu Tam was Rashi’s grandson, and he often argues on Rashi. Your quote from the Gerrer Rebbe is nice – for Gerrer chassidim. Many others held R’ Kook to be a gadol. There are also many others (I’ve named some) who hold Zionism is perfectly fine. Again, why can’t you accept that people can follow a shittah other than yours?

If you’re going to argue your way, then you pasul chassidus as a whole.