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It’s an old argument (gasp) that just because sinas chinam was the primary cause of the second churban bayis, just having ahavas chinam will do the quick fix. Many Seforim list a lot of aspects that need tikun. I may have written a few with an old s/n (gasp again), foremost being limud haTorah, as the Ohr haChayim writes explicitly.

I love your suggestion, though it has been suggested here before (old timers can list the links). I just have one problem with it. You want me to list the “maalos”, praises of another “camp”, group. What if that will identify me, my “camp”. If I write praises of chassidim, you’ll know I’m a misnaged. If I write maalos about Zionists you’ll know I’m a Neturei Karta (or a Katan).