Bringing Moshiach Together!

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    Hi All,

    In light of our Gedolim getting together in Achdus under one banner to arouse us to protect the Torah and Yiddishkeit, and perhaps B”EH the ???? ?????, I felt to do my share and experiment in this room with something I have held for a long time.

    As we all know, the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of Sinas Chinom. This also caused our 2000 year Golus that until recently had to be experienced outside our homeland.

    It seems logical to me that the only solution to rectify our Chet and bring about the Geula Shlema is to imbue upon ourselves the opposite. That being Ahavas Chinum. But what is Ahavas Chinum? Lf”AyD, Ahavas Chinum is the results of finding the good in others and asking oneself, “what are their strengths that I can learn from?!”

    Every group in Klal Yisrael has maalot and chesronot. We can easily sing the praises of those who’s camp we sit among, but what about others? I feel that only when an Ashkenazi can look at a Sefardi and say in his head, “Oh, they are GREAT in this and this aspect of Torah!”; a Sefardi see a Chassid and say, “Oh, they are GREAT in this and this aspect of Torah!”; a Chassid look at an Ashkenazi and say, “Oh, they are GREAT in this and this aspect of Torah!”; etc. etc. etc. (too many groups to quote, so I hope no one gets offended that thier group wasn’t mention. This was purely for example sake.)


    So I would like to propose to take this opportunity for each and every one of us to state something that they really respect in another group of Yidden. Perhaps in a small way we can take part in changing each others outlooks and bond get a little closer in Achdus! Perhaps we’ll get one step closer to the Geula.

    Just to point out: I am not looking for a discussion of right/wrong or who’s the best. Please just comment about whom you are impressed with (other than your own camp) and why. No-one should comment on someone else’s statement (unless they are adding to it). Just respectfully read each others words and take it to heart. Maybe we’ll all read something that we might have over looked. Who knows, maybe even a praise about ourselves that we didn’t know.

    May we all be Zoche to see Moshiach Tzedkeini B’Geula Shlema BimHera ViYamanu!!!


    It’s an old argument (gasp) that just because sinas chinam was the primary cause of the second churban bayis, just having ahavas chinam will do the quick fix. Many Seforim list a lot of aspects that need tikun. I may have written a few with an old s/n (gasp again), foremost being limud haTorah, as the Ohr haChayim writes explicitly.

    I love your suggestion, though it has been suggested here before (old timers can list the links). I just have one problem with it. You want me to list the “maalos”, praises of another “camp”, group. What if that will identify me, my “camp”. If I write praises of chassidim, you’ll know I’m a misnaged. If I write maalos about Zionists you’ll know I’m a Neturei Karta (or a Katan).


    Yet the Chofetz Chaim always stresses that we should fix Lashon Hara and Sinas Chinam, precisely because they got us into this mess, and we can’t get out w/out fixing them.


    We can mention nice things from different groups so we don’t give away who we are 🙂

    In general, one thing we Jews should work on is judging favorably. In life, we have situations where someone upsets us either during an argument, or because of a money issue, or is more lenient or strict than us…… It’s easy to think negative. The thing is to turn our view to try to see what they are going through, and try them in a positive light. It might be difficult, but each effort counts.


    Little Froggie – you bring out a very good point that I didn’t think of. So let’s expand it to “bringing out any maalot/maalos of any group in Klal Yisrael regardless of personal affiliation”.

    Thanks for your input!

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