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I don’t know what you’re getting at. There are four general views to the Torah, and they branch off to seventy. Many levels, and all are true, some in a different angle, sense, direction. The actual, factual “down to earth”, gashmius level is often discussed in the many commentaries of Chumash. Medrashic lore is generally understood in a different view – Drush. All views are true.

What you write about the Avos is slightly true, they were certainly NOT malachim, they were so much higher! They had, as you noted, human emotions, yet worked themselves up the spiritual ladder far, far more than a celestial Malach. Me and you don’t have daily conversations with angels. Last time I fought with a Malach, it bode me no good. And my (your’s too) portrait is certainly not posted on the Kesei Hakovod. Obviously the Avos were something way way up! We’re supposed to goad ourselves on in life – ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? – when will our actions TOUCH UPON, a mere touch, to those of our holy forefathers. There’s a very special reason we mention our forefathers at the beginning of Amida thrice daily. Their zchusim were and are the pillars of our Nation’s existence.