Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Women Wearing Costumes on Purim? Reply To: Women Wearing Costumes on Purim?


About Women dressing up on Purim – We are so busy Purim time, what Woman actually has the time to even think about dressing up on Purim ?? Between getting food ready to break the fast with, listening to the megillah, waiting for the kids to come home from their Purim parties, Preparing for the Seudah,Dressing the kids in their customes, waking up to hear Megillah again, delivering Shalach Manos, visiting Family members, throwing together extra Shlach Manos together for people you forgot to give too or exchanging ones with people yah didn’t think would give, but did, answering the door bell to Tzedakah collectors, cleaning up all the candy wrappers off the floor because the kids can’t remember to use a garbage can,(if I missed anything else, please let me know!!). Thanks but no thanks. I will be dressed up as myself. If I am lucky, I may have time to apply a little lipstick. If I am luckier, I may have time to apply some eyeliner!!