Reply To: Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away

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I am always home. Going away for me, meant going to my mom and dad zichronam livracha.The last five years of their lives, they came to me instead. They are gone 15 years now, and I have bnever had a desire to be anywhere but in my own home. Pesach is the only yom tov about which I feel that way. There is something very special to me about turning the house over – it feels new to me, so I really in many ways feel like I am “away.” I cannot really explain that. I suppose that if I had the opportunity to go to a reliable hotel, I would consider it, but the cost is too prohibitive to really be a viable alternative for me. And to be a little bit gaivedik, my kids look forward to my pesach specialties, and they don’t think anyone cooks them as well as I do. It’s not really that no one cooks as well as I, it’s more that everything I make comes from a long line of my Bubby’s and mom’s Pesach cooking, and THEY were superb cooks. I just was fortunate to learn from the best.