Reply To: Kula-ization of Judaism.

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

ROB, no, even the cRc is more particular than what you said. I don’t know what you do, but I don’t recall you mentioning:

1) Rubbing the surface of the strawberries

2) Rinsing under a strong stream of water

3) Using detergent for the ones which are not round and smooth.

Even if you do all of these things, you would have to give a valid reason to explain what gives you the right to follow the cRc as opposed to the majority opinion which is that detergent, at a minimum, is necessary. The fact that your instinct tells you that using detergent is outlandish does not qualify, IMO, as valid.

If you have a legitimate posek, on whom you rely both l’kulah and l’chumrah, he did his own research, and you follow his method, that would be valid.