Reply To: Kezayis only for Pesach?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Kezayis only for Pesach? Reply To: Kezayis only for Pesach?

Patur Aval Assur

Davar Katan: I think that by every meal in general people rely on the more meikil opinions. However, there is an inyan that by a mitzvah which only comes once in a while, you should try to do it in the best fashion. So by the mitzvah of matzah on the first night of Pesach people are super machmir. My question was that the first night of Succos is the same as the first night of Pesach.

As for your point about horseradish, I was not even remotely discussing whether you are yotzei with it. My question was why Maror would be something that is not bitter, such as lettuce. In fact Sam2 already brought up the issue of horseradish. When he said “just eat lettuce” it provided an opening for my question. I did not even mention horseradish at all.