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I had the displeasure of being in Manhattan today and I passed by where some group was have a rally, It was outside the Governor’s office in NYC. It is possible that since it right near the UN, that the Iranian embassy or consulate was somewhere in the vicinity as well.

The protest was supposed to a Holocaust remembrance event against Iran?!?

Anyhow, there were about 40 people there (and that is being generous), I think all thought they were going to speak.

You had the usual group of lunatics, such as Avi Weiss and Shmuely Boteach and some feminists yelling nonsense at the top of their lungs and then sticking around to sign autographs.

The NK group across the street had a better showing and were better behaved and making less of a chilul hashem.

Either way, I felt like going over and spitting on both of them, if it were not beneath me to do so in public and that they were still Jews and I, for one, would not spit on other Jews in public. (Not like Ari Hart, apparently. Let him write that up in Al-Jazeera)