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Baruch Hashem here in Yerushalayim I was zoche to host a large Seudat Chag on Leil Yom Ha’Atzmaut filled with Shira and Divrei Torah.

Furthermore I had a even greater Zechut to go up as Shlliach Tzibur for both Ma’ariv and Shachrit with all the extra Tefilot, Tehillim and Hallel to thank Hashem for this great opportunity and for the salvation of the wars.

Leil Yom Ha’tzmaut included Perkei Tehillim before Ma’ariv and Hallel without a Bracha after Shemona Esorei.

Shachrit included Yom Tov Pesukei Dezimra, Hallel Shalem with a Bracha and Haftorah that Chutznikim read on Shmini Shel Pesach.