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Sorry I was in a rush when I wrote that post. What I meant to say was that Talmud Torah kneged kulam. Learning Torah has precedence over all the other mitzvos. RaShB”Y and his chevraya didn’t even daven because of their hasmoda b’Torah.

The sefer Binyan Olam brings the TaZ in Y”D 251 S”K 6 that explains that even though there is no mitzvah that stops us from doing hatzolas nefashos but there is a bigger zchus to someone who is not presented witha case of hatzolas nefashos than to someone that is.

So what I meant was that even though we are required to sometimes stop learning to do other mitzvos, that is Hashem’s cheshbon. From our point of view though we need to understand that any mitzvah that is not talmud Torah is not as great as talmud Torah.

I urge everybody who is stable in his derech to pick up this sefer Boney Olam. He has two haskamos one from Rav Chatzkel Levinstein and one from Rav Yehidah Zev Segol both of which praise the sefer and not the mechaber.