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GAW: “Similar to Chava and touching the Eitz HaDaas, they believe this is not Halacha, and therefore Tznius is entirely made up by men to control women.”

You hit the nail on the head. This was my exact thought process not too long ago (I’m a teenager). I’ve had teachers tell the class that skirts four inches below the knee is a mitzvah d’Oraysa. I concluded that the teachers, and the Oz V’Hadar Levusha, were full of baloney.

Currently, the religious reason behind the way I dress are to curb my desire for male attention. (Guys have their own desire-curbing mitzvos, which are none of my business.) End of story. Everything else – the being a princess, self-esteem, draw attention to your soul not your body – is a bonus. Yes, that’s important, but it should be important to everyone; it’s not specific to religion.

Sitting in school, you’d never know it.

“What should be learned are the sources INSIDE.”

I’d love to. Can you name some specific locations? Thanks.