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If you are comparing Israel’s 6-Day war to the Purim story, then your understanding of one or both of those is clearly different than mine. (But I’ll try to clarify.) Just because Purim was a neis nistar, that doesn’t lessen the actual neis. Nor does that make every war won into another Purim.

Again, regarding Israel’s 6-Day war, there were no nissim. And, in case the CIA’s web site is not clear enough, there was no “threat of a massacre” and there was nothing miraculous about Israel’s wars.

See the CIA: they knew Israel would trounce the Arabs, even if attacked on three fronts simultaneously.

You are simply trying to promote this fallacious Zionist nonsense.

Again, comparing it to the Purim story is ridiculous and makes a mockery of the Purim story, for that matter.