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What I am talking about is paskening from only the shulchan Aruch (even with the Mishna Berura). Yes the statements of the SHulchan Aruch represent R’ Yosef Karo’s conclusions, but without knowing the background you might misapply it and there might be things that you are just totally unaware of. I was not talking about in terms of halacha l’maaseh being machria like the Sh”a vs. other poskim, which happens to be an interesting discussion. Clearly all the commentaries who sometimes argue with the Sh”a, did not accept it as their psak.
Also, the Mishna Berura “took the pains to write Halacha” the same way R’ Karo did, yet you consider him to be non-practicing. Unless you are simply saying that the A”H was MORE practicing than the M”B, in which case who is to say that the Sh”A was the most practicing codifier of halacha?