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Hi DaasYochid!

“…the perspective of the tremendous value of Torah…”

I (think) I know what you mean.

“…the spiritual danger involved in military service in today’s reality.”

I do not know what you mean. Please explain.

“If you argue emotionally…”

I make no bones about it. I’m *very* emotional. I have friends & neighbors whose kids/other loved ones/ are buried in military cemeteries.

“…your (and many others’) approach seems rooted in the faulty assumption that it’s based on not caring about your son’s safety…”

I do not make that assumption. As an Israeli worker & taxpayer who can barely keep our family afloat financially (my wife works full time too), who did annual reserve duty for 11 years and who will soon see the eldest of our 2 boys go off to the IDF (with all that implies), I question why is it that I must bear the additional financial burden of supporting those who will not bear the same burdens (financial, emotional & physical) that I must/did.

“I should add, that I feel hakaras hatov towards the parents who send them, as well as sympathy for living with that ‘incessant dread’.”

Thank you. I appreciate (really) your hakaras hatov but what I would appreciate even more would be you sharing that incessant dread and your son serving with mine.

“Let me again stress that I don’t either intend to be offensive.”

Don’t worry; you’re not. 🙂

“This is a very highly emotionally charged issue…”

1) Correct.

2) And we can discuss it civilly! 🙂