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Quote: “And correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that R’ Isser Zalman Meltzer was a Zionist Rabbi…”

But Rav Avraham Kook zt”l was considered a zionist (at least by the D”L) and he held that those in Yeshivas are Patur from army service and uses the Rambam that you don’t want to recognize. (If you don’t believe me look it up)

As far as R’ Aharon Lichtenstein, he is a very nice man, but his arguments are based on feelings, not logic. It is not in his place to decide who is L’shem Shemayim and who is not. Can you go into any Yeshivah and honestly point out who is l’shem Shimayim and who is not? Who gave anyone the right to put a limit on this din? The Rambam didn’t, so how can he say maybe 5%, 10%, etc. It’s a case by case situation.

Furthermore, the answer is simple. The Rambam says

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this implies that he decides for himself (not others).

How does he know that he is not fooling himself.

The Rambam continues

If he sees that Hashem is providing his needs then he can assume that he is L’shem Shamiyim. I’ve meet some many Bnei Yeshivas that can’t explain how they get by, just that every time they need to pay a bill or purchase something, etc. the money just comes (and not from the government).

If Hashem is not behind them than why is he constantly doing miracles for them?

In truth, it appears to me, that the really reason(s) of not doing army service is much deeper than this discussion on the Rambam.

One thing is for sure, ALL the Gedolim of today are against the Bnei Yeshivas going into the Army. Rav Drukman, R. Aviner, Rav Stav, and R. Lichtenstein may all be fine Talmidi Chachamim, but they are no where near being Gedolim. Anyone who believes so certainly has never had a relationship with a Gadol.

We are required to follow the Gedolim.

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