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“With all do respect, as much as I find R’ Aharon Lichtenstein to be a warm and caring person (and yes, I know him) I have never ever in the last 30 years heard anyone make the claim that you have made. Can you quote someone who has written or said so? (I just spent about a half hour on line trying to find some words of praise about him from the Chareidi world and found nothing. Not trying to discredit him, G-d Forbid, just trying to see if you know something that I don’t.)”
If you want words of praise about R’ Aharon Lichtenstein, here is a direct quote from R’ Aaron Rakeffet (in a shiur entitled The Viewpoint of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein):
“Next two years he sits in the Chaim Berlin Bais Medrash and he goes through all of shas. I do not believe R’ Aharon has gone through shas al haseder since then but already at the age of 16 he knew all of shas by heart. He could find you any gemara anywhere… (skip a bit of talking)
the Rav remembered gemaras by heart but Moshe, he couldn’t remember the exact daf, and he said ‘nu nu Aharon (insert Yiddish) where is the gemara in in…’ R’ Aharon would shoot back ‘Bava Kamma tzadi bet amud aleph’. In four years of watching this interplay, R’ Aharon was only wrong once. It was a gemara in Arvei Pesachim, I remember the sugya, and R’ Aharon said kuf aleph amud bet, and the quote the Rav was quoting was kuf bet amud aleph. It was the continuation. He was off by about two lines.”