Reply To: The Internet CAN cause harm!

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Having the internet is the equivalent of having a potentially dangerous power saw in your home. You may actually be a contractor who uses it for parnossoh or you might use such a tool wisely and construct your sukkah. On the other hand you can use it like a schlimazel and cut at all kinds of angles thereby rendering a good piece of wood totally useless, you can R”L cut off a few fingers, or you can really go off the deep end and murder or maim someone with it.

So too the Net – you can use it for parnossoh and even learn online as you listen to kosher music, you can waste time with it, you can burn your neshomo by reading kefira and starting to develop doubts chas vesholom, or you can really reach the lowest depths and become addicted to online gambling or worse R”L.

The solution – just as you would not use that dangerous saw without knowing how to use it (or ever leave it where children could play with it), and just as nowadays the best tools have safety features built in, you need to make sure you are using it only for good and constructive purposes or at least for legitimate reasons such as keeping up with family around the world. Filters are a must, with different settings controlled by an outside party if possible for different members of the family. And if you think you might go overboard, it is best you stay away or not use it without someone else present.