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I know that it was in reference to hunting. I was qualifying that even in reference to hunting it’s not a blanket heter – it’s only a heter to kill or to cause pain for a constructive purpose (and even then presumably you would have to do it in the least painful way possible in accordance with Moreh Nevuchim 3:48).
Regarding the skins, it seems that I misread/misunderstood the back and forth between you and Redleg. I thought that “And hunting for skins would probably be mutar if you could mitigate sakana” was a quote from Redleg and your response was “Your assumption is wholly incorrect” which I took to mean that you were saying that even if you could mitigate sakana it would be assur. To that I responded that even without mitigating sakana it is muttar for parnassa i.e. the only reason it would be assur is sakana, and parnassa overrides sakana, and obviously then if you mitigate the sakana then it would be muttar even if it is not strictly necessary for parnassa since as already established it’s not tzar ba’alei chaim if it’s for a constructive purpose. So I think in this regard we agree that if it is for parnassa then you don’t need to mitigate sakana and if it is not strictly for parnassa but it is for a constructive purpose then it is muttar if you mitigate the sakana. This is all aside from the fact that it might not be ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????.