Reply To: an app to solve the shidduch crisis

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As an App Developer I just though I’d pop in and share my thoughts.

I get 1-2 people each month coming to me with Shidduch related app ideas. Last month someone presented me with this exact idea. These are all great ideas and interesting ways to utilize the mobile platform.

There is one caveat. Developing an app takes time and money. (I’m working on a project right now with about 10 people on my team. We’ve been working on it for close to 3 months already.)

An app like this needs minimum 5 people. 1 Project Manager, 2 Mobile Designer, 3 Web Developer, 4 Android Developer, 5 iPhone Developer. A project of this scope would be approximately 1-2 months long.

So basically you need to pay 5 people for 2 months. Not everyone will be busy for the entire duration of the project, but we are talking about an expense of 15k-25k (depending on the exact specifications).

This would be a useful tool in the Shidduch market, all we need is haskamahs from Rabonim. Once a Rov is behind it then donors will fund it.