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A frum Jew can own a store that sells non-kosher products, even a non-kosher restaurant. What do you think happens to meat that after shechita turns out to be treif? It isn’t all fed to dogs!

charliehall, not everything in life is done to the bare minimum of halacha. Even though practicing halacha is of paramount performance, just as there is a concept of basic manners – derech eretz, there is also a concept to of basic frum manners.

Every frum person walking into a grocery store owned by a frum Jew automaticaly expects the foodstuff to be kosher. I think that is basic frum manners that one expects from a frum owner. Also included in basic frum manners is the issue that is being discussed on another thread of not having women singers and music playing in the three weeks in a frum owned store.

While I do agree with checking for labels on unfamiliar food items, most people automatically assume that whatever is found in a grocery store owned by a frum Jew has at the minimum an OU hechsher.

Unless a frum owner has a supermarket that caters mainly to non-Jews, it is a breach of trust, unless one puts out very noticable signs thoroughout the store to indicate that there are treife foodstuff in the store, and definitely not good frum manners if a heimishe grocery store puts out treife food on it’s shelf.