Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

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Of course. Are you saying that the problems we see with non compliance with Halachic Tznius are due to a lack in Yiras Shomayim?

Yes, there is definitely a lack of Yiras Shomayim in the areas of tznius, but mainly it is lack of acknowledgment of the vital importance of tznius and the terrible consequences when we are not betznius. By terrible consequences, I don’t davka mean that Hasehm will cause us tzaros, although that may as well be. Rather I mean the steady and unconscious weakening and corruption of our kedusha which effects ourselves and our children.

Lack of yiras shomayim in the area of tznius does not necassarily mean that one is lacking yiras shomayim of Hashem in other areas, for example, loshen hora. There are very tzniusdige dressed women who have no yiras shomayim in other areas. One can be a yirah shomayim in one area and not the other. Therefore we need to have YIRAS shomayim, not just YIRAH shomayim. However lacking yirah shomayim in the area of tznius can eventually cause a total lack of yiras shomayim in all areas, sometimes not for the untzniusdige woman herself, but for the next generation. Certainly there is a downgrading of the entire community in yiras shomayim when frum women are not dressed or don’t act btznius.