Reply To: Social anxiety

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Dont think youre crazy for fearing rejection. Everybody does, only some people are bolder than others. Secondly, rejection does happen; its a part of life. Be it with friends, shidduchim, job interviews etc. So although you cant always avoid it, you can learn how to deal with it in case it does happen. Knowing youll be ok in the end no matter what happens gives you more confidence. For example, someone who was dating someone for a while and then gets rejected is bound to feel hurt. But they know that in the end theyll get married and be happy and that rejection was just a small bump in the road that they needed to cross to get to where they are now. You can also shift your perspective of what rejection means. If it means that youre a loser and unworthy, youll have an intense fear of being rejected. But if you say that rejection means that you simply didnt get what you wanted or expected then rejection is more about that rather than about you as a person. One last point. Imagine a man sees a diamond on the floor. Not knowing what its worth, he just throws it away. Does that tell you something about the man or about the diamond? Of course the man! So too,if someone rejects you, dont let that define your self worth. It simply says something about the one who rejected you. That person isnt worth your time. I know its easier said than done. But its possible. You can do it! That said, there are many good people out there who can turn into amazing friends. Try to break out of your comfort zone bit by bit and find those people!! Loads of luck…