Reply To: Social anxiety

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Keep Climbing,

Thinking of you all the time! Yes, this may be a very long chapter, but you will get outa it. In order to do that, however, you have to do some very hard stuff. You need to accept a fact- until you seek help for this issue, IT WILL NOT GO AWAY. You cant solve a problem using the same kind of thinking you used when you created it. Find a rebbetzin that can help you find a new mindset, or send you to a therapist that can. You may even need medication. But don’t look at your being medicated as a horrible thing! You need it- its just like taking meds for high blood pressure. You CAN make friends, walk into a room and not feel like everyone is looking at you and hating you, and feel comfortable having a conversation with someone. But in order for that to happen, you need help. Just approach a teacher at your school. Tell her that you’re very nervous to be speaking with her. Tell her how much you’re hurting. If she is a quality person, she will help you. I wish i could hook you up with a teacher i know… Oh well. Find a teacher that is sweet and warm. Dont go to an intimidating power house.

you are in my thoughts and prayers,
