Reply To: Social anxiety

Home Forums Family Matters Social anxiety Reply To: Social anxiety


It must be very hard to keep everything in because then you feel so alone. When you confide in somebody you automatically feel better. If its the right person youre talking to, they make you feel validated, it gives you a chance to blow off some steam, and maybe they can help you with tangible problems.

A good idea is to get a number of a rav who you can text anonymously. I know such a thing exists though unfortunately I dont know of any numbers.

Im sure youll agree with me that carrying everything around and not confiding in anyone makes life so much harder.

Im not qualified to answer your question but ill attempt it. Very often we pay attention to the details of our actual trip on this world instead of paying attention to the destination. We get caught up in so many problems that weigh us down until we feel like well never get out of it.

The point in all those problems is not to live in the moment, but to learn how to grow from them. Life is full, full of obstacles but when were over them, everyone’s waiting on the other side cheering us on.

We need to struggle so that we can end up in the best place possible. As the saying goes “keep your eye on the prize.” Look at where you want to end up and do everything in your power to get there.

Remember that the fact that youre in existence is proof of the fact that theres a mission that only you can fulfill.

Dont ever give up!! Youre much stronger than you can ever imagine! Please keep me posted. Thinking of you all the time…