Reply To: Sem and Security

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from Long Island

All the logic in the world is irrelevant when your parents are reacting from an emotional viewpoint.

Your mother’s fear is real to her, it cannot be logically explained away. You need to ONLY address her fear.

Ask her what you can do (in Israel) to allay her fears. Should you suggest that you will not take public transportation, only taxis. Or, not leave your seminary if any Peguah’s have happened. Or vow to avoid the center of town and only go to shopping malls that have excellent security. Stay in after dark, avoid large crowds.

Whatever limitations she puts on you, as time goes on and “nothing” happens, she will then feel more comfortable with giving you more freedom.

I had two daughters in Seminary during the Intifadas and I can tell you, that as a parent, it was very frightening. My girls understood my fears and were very careful to follow the rules that gave me comfort.

Also, if G-d forbid something happens in Israel you MUST contact your parents ASAP and tell them where you are and why you are safe. That worked for me

Much Hatzlacha !!