Reply To: Working Guys

Home Forums Shidduchim Working Guys Reply To: Working Guys


Sorry, but I’m just not getting this whole conversation. What is “elite of yiddishkeit”?? I think this is a concept that must have been borrowed from secular culture.

There most definitely are different categories of people in Klal Yisrael. A Kohen is not the same as a Levi. A man is not the same as a woman. A boy under 13 years of age is not the same as a 40 year old man. Etc. But what is “elite”? Each of us is granted a different Neshama with different kishronos, and life experiences tailor made for the advancement and fulfillment of that Neshama. A young lady looking for a life’s partner must have the maturity to do a cheshbon hanefesh and determine what lifestyle is best suited to her aspirations and capabilities. Within that category- learning boy, working boy, or other type of boy, she should look for someone that she finds compatible. Yes, seeing the chashivus of Torah is of paramount importance in a Jewish home. But there are different paths to achieving that goal.

HKB”H is the only One who can bestow upon someone the title of “Elite.”

Which may be the reason for “Olam hafuch ra’isi.”