Reply To: 24 hour Jewish radio stations

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TBONTB: My psychiatrist told me to listen to them, as they tell me to get organized and start packing for seminary.

I think that my dad has one of the tape adapters but he’s using it in his similarly ungifted car right now- maybe I’ll ask him to buy me another one. In the meantime, I’ll check out the radio stations you guys mentioned and maybe look for a couple good Carlebach tapes or something.

Chaimy: It’s fine. Honestly, I wish I could read a book while driving…

YW42: It’s funny, I never really listened to those all that much when I was a kid. I was a big scaredy-cat and the one we had was the one where the cannibals tried to eat Shnooky, which didn’t do much good for my nightmares.