Reply To: Abbaye vs. Rava and Rav vs. R' Yochanan

Home Forums Bais Medrash Abbaye vs. Rava and Rav vs. R' Yochanan Reply To: Abbaye vs. Rava and Rav vs. R' Yochanan

Patur Aval Assur

There is a machlokes Tannaim as to how much of kerias shema requires kavana. Rabba paskens like R’ Akiva and Rava paskens like R’ Meir. Tosafos says that the halacha follows R’ Meir’s position because Rava is basraa. So this would be an example of where even though it was already a machlokes Tannaim, we don’t throw the klalei hapsak of machlokes amoraim out the window. This would also fit in with your hesber (Haleivi) because the reason to pasken like Rava over Rabba is that he is basraa, not that it’s sinai vs. oker harim. But again it doesn’t prove anything.