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Interesting question!

On the one hand, Cuomo seems to be the only substantive politician around.

On another hand, no matter what any politician says about gay marriage and abortion, none of them will work to reverse the current trend. Very few conservatives even, who are running will clearly state they will reverse those matters. If they do, they won’t get into office.

Cuomo is not serving as Pope. He has to “represent” a constituency.

A similar example for us would be, if we were, say, mayor of Stamford, Ct., would we ban putting X-mas trees/decorations in the downtown area in December.

How much of our own political stewardship, if we were in office, could or should be a reflection of our own personal views versus the people we are elected to represent.

The Cuomo’s have a fantastic record of working with the religious community, noteably when Mario stood up to multi million dollar advertisers and their lobbying interests to take down non-tsniusdik signs in Times Square, from what I remember.

So I suspect that is the reason Satmar, who knows politicians have influence whether they are a mirror image of your values or not, whether you vote or not, and have decided to have a rapport with Andrew.