Reply To: #Dating a guy who works a behind the counter job

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee #Dating a guy who works a behind the counter job Reply To: #Dating a guy who works a behind the counter job


funny you ask this: I have an extremely intelligent friend, she comes fomr a very chashuv family, married into a very chashuv family – one of the litvish English Rabbanishe famillies, he actually lived in USA the last years of his life. She has a 22yr old son boy who is very intelligent, – all their family are very very smart!! He is a real go getter and very very bright – I really wanted him for my sister (who is now married b”H) but guess what, he works behind a cash register now and he is so happy – doesn’t show anything about intelligence at all – in this case he happens to be a very brilliant people person and however bright he is he couldn’t sit in yeshiva any longer – he does way better now – as goq wrote – being a cashier and offering great customer service – that’s a very skilled job! keeping customers happy can be almost impossible in today’s age when ‘the customer is always right’ (I know this from my online-sales work I do – pure nightmare some buyers). Additionally running/leading your own firm/business is really not as fun as it sounds prestigious – you end up having to be married to your job if you want it to all run smoothly and be successful (I say this from my experience in opening up my own business over the last year – nightmare number 2) so if he’ll have a 9-5 job you’ll be one lucky woman – not having to share your husband’s emotional kochos with his job. As my sister always says – ‘everything’s a package deal’ so look for the good in the package you have and no he is not unintelligent because of his behind-the-counter-job. Meet him if everything else sounds fine and you’ll see if he seems right or not. And always ASK DAAS TORAH – these random opinions from random people are just that – RANDOM. Hatzlacha.