Reply To: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA

Home Forums Bais Medrash For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA Reply To: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA


The other day I had a minor rant on this subject to one of my rebbeim, a man whom I hold in the greatest respect. My point was that since i have learnt a mesechta relatively well(which I am currently chazering) I was able to notice a stirah in 2 tosfosim 39 daf apart, which was not helpfully pointed out by the meaoras hashas. His responce–“When I was your age(3rd year bochur) I would argue about this with people, then I realized that it is so poshut, if they don’t understand it, nothing I say can help them”

This is a man who I have seen literally knows tamach baal peh, who learnt shas down to halocha lemaaseh over eighteen years, while finishing it a further four times during that time in a different seder. It made me wonder what would have happened if th other people had convinced him. I know he has had a greater impact on my life than almost any other single person. So on that note, rock on PAA. Let those blind to pshat, those who think you krum, say what they wish. At least one person here seriously appreciates this thread.