Reply To: A State of Torah. Utopia or Dystopia?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel A State of Torah. Utopia or Dystopia? Reply To: A State of Torah. Utopia or Dystopia?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

000646, and zahavasdad, I don’t think anyone is advocating or thinks feasible a theocracy in Eretz Yisroel until Moshiach comes. If (maybe I should say when) the charedim will be the majority, if Moshiach hasn’t arrived, it will indeed be thorny. I think a frum government will have a

horrible dilemma: how can it not halachically make it illegal to violate the Torah, but OTOH how can it possibly enforce or even pass such a law without an extremely angry backlash with terrible repercussions?

I really hope Moshiach comes first.