Reply To: R' Chaim Kanievski Women Wearing Tefillin

Home Forums Controversial Topics R' Chaim Kanievski Women Wearing Tefillin Reply To: R' Chaim Kanievski Women Wearing Tefillin


Patur Aval Assur:

1: Rav Chaim is a Talmid Chacham, not a Posek (Not to take away from his Gadlus, he says so himself).

2: If it wasn’t written as P’sak, then it is only hypothetical lomdus (which is common in the Yeshiva world).

Softwords – I don’t disagree with you about WoW, but the OP probably brought the question up because of recent events in the US which have nothing to do with WoW. (This is a general FYI comment and is not an attempt to disagree with your good points).