Reply To: BT wants to raise children without internet access…

Home Forums Web & Social Media – Latest Online Tips & Tools BT wants to raise children without internet access… Reply To: BT wants to raise children without internet access…

☕ DaasYochid ☕

BTW, Neut, if you follow DaasTorah, how are you participating in this discussion?

The roshei yeshiva he mentioned, AFAIK, do not asser internet in total, or adult use of a moderated forum such as this one.

Should parents show their kids TV, too

Not a great analogy, since TV’s primary function is entertainment, and the content is rarely acceptable. I don’t really see a way to eduducate in its proper use.

Internet, though, has a very practical use, and I can understand the argument for education in how to make sure to use it properly.

I still think that young children should not have free access to internet, and that an internet free home is ideal, if not always feasible.