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Joseph, I don’t have to voive my concerns to the gedolim. I don’t think they should stop teaching in Yiddish, if that is the language with which they and their talmidim are comfortable. People are corrupt, Ivrit is Loshon Kodesh, and you should not be denigrating it by referring to it that way, IMHO. Ivrit was NOT invented by the type person whom you mentioned. First, I think you might be mistaken (as I might be), but Ben Yehudah I thought was a frum Yid. In any case, he only made the Hebrew grammar and vocabulary more accessible to Jews. We take our Hebrew from the Torah. Exactly what language do you think Bnei Yisroel spoke in Eretz Yisroel? Whether or not you believe it was Hebrew, it is 100% certain it was not Yiddish.

Just because something was done or spoken for 100-2oo years, does not make it mroe or less important than the rest of Jewish history. In fact in the scheme of things, Yiddish is a relatively small part of Jewish culture, though it clearly has great chashivus. I never said it didn’t, nor do I believe it has no place today. But if you will stop being a TYiddish chauvinist for five seconds and try to be a little more open-minded, you will see that many more Jews are able to learn Torah in English than in Yiddish, they do not speak Yiddish, and if they do, then it is no more holy a language than the English spoken in the same frum home. Yiddish also has nivul peh in it, just like English, French, Spanish, Swahili, etc. Your problem is that it is not easy to acknowledge that. I knew people who were as frei as frei can be who ONLY spoke Yiddish. I know people who are as frum as one could hope to meet, who know not one syllable of Yiddish, except for what they hear when they walk into Boro Park. It’s not the language that is Heilige. It is the person who speaks it that has the potential to make it so. Hebrew, however, is helige all by itself. Please call your local Gedolim andvoive your concern to them to stop reading the Torah in Hebrew. Please let us know the results.