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josh – i disagree. i think it gives the boys a very powerful push upward, and it also causes them to act in the bekavodig manner of a ben Torah from that young age. where does it say that the disgrace of talmidei chachamim was caused by boys dressing like their rebbes?

i didn’t understand that bit about the kohanim, can you explain it again?

wolf – 🙂 it’s not true. i never said that the people wearing logos are any worse than those who do not wear logos, i said that those who do are not for me. maybe it’s because i was tortured through school by logo-wearers who were totally absorbed in themselves and what they could do to elevate their status, but i have this bad feeling about logo-wearers. of course, i said i would have to ‘think very hard’ about marrying someone who wears logos, not that i never would. i would have to make sure for myself that the logo isn’t reflecting something undesirable.

josh – hachitzonius meorrer es hapenimiyus. even if we’re not on such a high level, dressing like a talmid chacham can make it easier for us to get there.

tzippi – it’s a great story, but i think that the point was a different one, although i sort of see how it connects here. the point was that he was so involved in kiruv, avodas hakodesh, that he didn’t have time to change into ‘bekavodig’ clothes before davening. but what i’m saying here isn’t really that. i’m trying to define and find the reason for, what is considered bekavodig.