Reply To: If you could change the Shidduch System

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

DY, I should have bought a lotto ticket – KNEW you would be the one to answer right away! 🙂

Didn’t want to disappoint you. 🙂

That is where we disagree the most, probably.

Absolutely, because this isn’t even a matter of opinion, you’re simply factually wrong. Many, many people (I personally know plenty) grew up in homes where boys and girls’ socializing was acceptable, but changed their approach. What you’re essentially saying is that your perspective is so undeniably correct, and mine so absolutely wrong, that it is impossible to see things my way unless one has never been exposed to yours. Not only is this dismissive of the opinion which you don’t agree with, it is simply not factual.

As far as boys and girls not being able to marry because of lack of social skills, I’ve addressed this fallacy before, but I’ll add a statistic which S.Y. Rechnitz recently reported, based on conversations with Lakewood shadchanim: 20% of Lakewood boys marry the first girl they date, and a large majority (although I don’t recall the percentage) are married within a year of starting shidduchim.

The facts simply don’t bear out your theories.

At least we’re in agreement about what we disagree about. 🙂