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“Even if you subscribe to the opinion that one should get drunk on Purim, it’s only to the point of ad d’lo yada. There is no mitzvah to keep drinking to the point of getting physically sick or being unable to stand or perform any of the other mitzvos that need to be performed (such as davening Ma’ariv, for example).”
The most pashut pshat of ad di’lo yadah is to drink until you know absolutely nothing. Getting physically sick and being unable to stand would seem to be a lesser level of drunkenness than that, so one would usually need to go through these stages before becoming drunk to the point where they do not know the difference between boruch Mordechai and arur Haman.
Now, there are certainly Poskim who define the chiyuv of ad di’lo yadah differently; however, there are many (TOr, HSulchan Oruch, etc) who hold this way.
“I am proud of the fact that I have never been drunk in my life — and that includes Purim.”
And I am proud of the fact that I have rarely been sober on Purim.
“both shittas of psak halacha on ad dlo yoda are fully legit. So no one should be knocking the other shitta. So if ones shitta l’halacha is that one must get blind drunk on Purim, accept that.”
“I am also sure that you would not disagree with me that we both wish that people would focus on being as diligent in keeping the halachos of lashon hara, financial honesty and not speking during davening as they are in observing this once a year event.”
True. However, there is one rather large difference; there is nobody (to the best of my limited knowledge) who not only denies but actually advocates against keeping the halachos of loshon hara, genievah, etc. while there are plenty of people who seem to feel perfectly comfortable denying and advocating against the chiyuv of drinking on Purim.
(Again, there is some argument as to how far this chiyuv goes, but to pretend it doesn’t exist (or that there isn’t a legitimate halachic basis for getting very, very drunk) is just flat out wrong.)
“So many people nowadays are so Makpid on everything the Mishnah B’rurah says. They are Choshesh for a Da’as Yachid in the Achronim and consider people who don’t follow the M”B’s Eitzos Tovos as not being Medakdek in Mitzvos. So why are people so quick to dismiss the M”B here and say that the other Derech of P’sak is just as legitimate?”
The difference is that these people are makpid on the Mishnah Brurah, not meikel on it. And this shittah of the Mishnah Brurah is certainly a kulah.
(Not that that makes it any less of a legitimate shitah, only that you cannot fault those who are “Makpid on everything the Mishnah B’rurah says” (makpid being the key word) for not relying on the kulah of the M”B here.)