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Patur aval assur- here we go again

1- It is more available today after not being harvested for 1500 years. Not a raya to what it was.

2- Could be a good taayne. But lmaaseh tsafos says it as a shema to be metareitz a kashya. And see maharsha and nimukei hagriv (PRINTED UNDER THE MAHAsha).

3- You are wrong on the metzious. In the words of one of the big oskim in this inyan. ” The colorant found in both dyes it identical, and if we were to isolate them, and be left with crystals of non-organic indigotine, the two would be identical. Up until then, however, they are different. A similar case in point, for illustration: There are many iron based red dyes, and all iron is identical. Blood is red because of it’s iron based hemoglobin structure, but is quite distinct from ochre, which is a red pigment made of iron ore (hematite)!

Presently, the dying method isolates to indigotine in the dying process, something that was not done in early times, and the simplest proof for this is that it is now an extremely fast dye!”

I found out a test was indeed done with some ancient indigo and it passed with flying colors ( couldn’t help the pun) and the ancient indigo faded. I think this is the fifth time in this thread we went through this.

4- The yaavetz obviously saw Pliny inside and felt it was neeman enough to upshlug a rambam and write Zeh aino. see mitpeches sofrim 4

5-I woulnd’t say RSm pshat in Reb Chaim rather I would say RSM’s Reb chaim, since rav chaim himself never said such a silly thing and it is simply brought down in the radzhiners sefer as chacham eched.

The mishna berura in Siman 32:50, 33:5 in Biur halacha ?”? ??? and MB 39:26 and Biur halacha in 648 ?”? ????? (page 136) says safek deoraysa lchumra by teffilin and esrog which are exactly the same as techeiles not like the ran. Also the case of shofar IS only a safek if you are being mesaken not like you assumed. see rh 34b and every other mareh makom i was already metzyein but you failed to be mayin ( even after 3 months!!!)

About three kinds as safek two of them are only hashaaros with no strong rayas (see yeshuas malco 2 ???? ????? ?? ?????”? ??????? ????”?, ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ????) and the murex has many rayas some which i already stated above.

And your ikar hanacha is wrong since you could be yotzei all of them the way the beis yosef says to be yotzei one and 2 holes at the same time- by making a tnai that whichever is real is tzitzis and the rest is nothing.

And maybe you could explain how his hesber in “rav chaim” makes any sense.

1- It is a machlokes achronim if safek deoraysah lchumra by an asei is lkulei alma deoraysah. he assumes the chavos daas opinion when the Milei Harooim and sfas emes (RH 34b) and pri megadim 695 and r akiva eiger argue

2- i don’t understand bichlal why it will be talui if is midaroysa or not and how is it even a dimyon to the ran in teshuvas that the shmaisa brings down. maybe you can atemp to explain.

Hatzlocha and thanks for keeping this topics only during bein hazmanim