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Vochindik: I will let the others on this thread who clearly know this Sugya far better than I do discuss the Halachic relevance of the Arizal’s Shittah (because his opinion that ties it to the Beis Hamikdash is clearly a minority one and we wouldn’t Pasken like the Arizal against a majority of Rishonim), but you can’t ask a question from a Gemara to an opinion? Have you ever learned before? Rishonim (and Achronim, though it’s rarer) reject Shittos in the Rishonim all the time because there are Gemaros against them. That’s how you learn. You ask Kashas and sometimes a Kasha is so strong that because of it you are Doche the Shittah from Halachah. R’ Hertzog and R’ Schachter (and the Radziner) are clearly on a level to do such a thing, even if people like you and I are not.

And about your list of Chumros to keep, some of them are very strange.

2) Dont eat chodosh

I honestly wouldn’t. It’s a Pele that we do. But to stop eating Chadash would be Motzi Laaz on dozens of generations who did. Pashtus is we (for whatever reason) hold like the Bach.

3) Dont let your wife wear transparent stockings

What’s the relevance of this? There is no Issur on transparent stockings. If you hold that ankles need to be covered, then of course transparent stockings above the ankle are not okay. If you hold the knee is the issue, then transparent stockings that show below the knee are for sure not okay. That’s not a Chumra. That’s explicit Halachah. (And forget transparent, even translucent ones would be problematic.)

4) Do Birkas Kohanim every day, even in Chutz Laaretz

The cities of Vilna and Pressburg almost burned down for trying to reinstitute Rirchas Kohanim. To quote the Aruch Hashulchan, “It’s as if it’s a G’zeirah from Shamayim” not to Duchan every day.

5) Do hagbaah before leining also

Why? This isn’t even a Din D’rabannan. It’s closer to a Minhag. So go with the way it’s Nahug. It’s certainly not something that belongs on a level with a possible Bittul Asei D’Oraisa and an Issur D’Oraisa of Bal Tigra.

6) Wash for a davar shetivulo b’mashkeh

Also explicit Halachah, and one which (by fruits) the Shulchan Aruch (and Gemara) say that one who follows is arrogant.

7) Specifically designate 2 witnesses by the badeken, like you do under the chupah

As far as I know the only Rav on earth who mandates this is a YU Rosh Yeshivah. It’s nice that you agree with him though. 🙂

9) Dont use nails to support the walls of your sukkah

Interestingly enough, R’ Schachter said that everyone misunderstands this Chazon Ish.