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TorahUmadda: I can’t even begin to fathom how you can think that you are on defense and I am on offense. The Torah says to wear Techeiles. The starting point is that we follow everything written in the Torah.

Wrong. The default is to follow the Torah as explained and instructed by the Rabbis. They have to instruct according to the dictates of the Torah. Mesora is b’geder “listening to the rabanan”. There are rules governing how to apply what the Torah says. We are ignorant of quite a few. It is not close to a pashut sugya.

You want to claim that you have a valid reason to not follow this command of the Torah. Therefore you are on offense.

Mesora is a valid basis. I don’t need to personally substantiate that, because others have already. If you can convince them that they are wrong, then fine. But until then, you cannot claim that they are inventing things without a sufficient understanding of Mesorah. So you can’t claim that they are wrong. Which puts you on offense.

A claim that the mesorah is against Techeiles has to be proven which you have yet to do.

True, but the default once there are legitimate people who hold of it to an outsider trying to make an objective assessment is that their shitta is valid. Your ignorance doesn’t dictate that the shitta is invalid until proven otherwise. As Chazal ekoquently put it, “Ain re’iya aino raya” (dikduk maybe off a bit). If you want to be intellectually honest, go find out what they say. And I don’t have to name anyone in particular, because they’re easy enough to find, and they probably don’t want to be quoted (at least the one I’m thinking of in particular).

If you want to claim that some mysterious rules of mesorah dictate keeping the status quo, the burden of proof is most definitely on you.

If I am the one initiating the claim, than yes. But I’m not. You can’t assume that something is wrong out of ignorance, which is what you’re doing.