Reply To: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do YOU want Moshiach to come? Reply To: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come?

Shticky Guy

I used to think like many posters here that we want Moshiach to come for many of these reasons.

A few years ago I heard Reb Matisyahu at a tisha b’av event where he said that the main reason we should daven for moshiach is not so WE can have an easier or better life or that WE can have or live thru techiyas hameisim etc. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is in galus. He has no bais hamikdash or korbanos. We should daven for Him, so that the shechina should have a home and be able to come out of galus! This should be the focus of our tefillos. Daven for our Father in heaven, not for ourselves.

What a beautiful thought! How emesdig.