Reply To: Beshert

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yitayningwut – Firstly, please don’t take me that literally. Of course I didn’t mean that I have seen EVERY mareh makom.

Also, that Ohr HaChaim clearly says that it was in regards to proving whether Yosef was CHAYAV misah. again, just because a person is not literally chayav misah in a way that b’nei odom (like the shevatim) see doesn’t mean that Hashem will not kill him.

As far as your quote from the famous hakol biyedei Shomayim…, I stand corrected. In a case of absolute peshiya, it is mashma from the meforshim that one can affect something in this life.

tbt – here are the positions as I see them:

bochur24: One cannot affect occurrences in his life; he can only affect his choices (also just amended as per the beginning of this post). An example of this would perhaps be choosing whether to marry someone. I feel that yes, you have the choice to marry someone, but that that choice is limited to your choosing right or wrong and not whether the marriage actually takes place.

tbt: One can affect the occurences in his life as well as his choices. As per the above case, one can choose to marry someone even though Hashem does not have it planned for him to marry someone.