As someone who works with children and adults with special needs, let’s all first an foremost rename “autistic children” to children with autism. The minute you focus on the aspect that they are children or adults first and foremost can help shape your attitude.
When I work with this population I think the most important thing to do is learn their language. I have worked with children with all types of abilities and needs and frankly every child has their own language, their own triggers, things that make them upset or get them moving along. It is a bad attitude in general to assume that children with autism who are non- verbal or canny express themselves do not have feelings. Keep in mind they are CHILDREN with autism. They are humans.
As for the two posters above- thank you for the insight into your lives. I am sorry it is so difficult being in your position. Just know that it is also hard for us to read you and we are trying our best to listen. As for the people who do not treat you well, they are simply missing out on some of the holiest neshamos HaShem brought to earth.