Rayoflight, someoneme2– Im really sorry for all your nisyanos, may hashem help you (and all klal yosroel) with all issues, whatever they may be. I don’t really know either of you, but from this thread you both seem to be nice, thoughtful, intelligent, sensitive people. Don’t listen to people, they generally don’t think too much about how their words or actions will affect others. I’m sorry if my earlier comment callig for the closing of this thread was upsetting, I thought the thread title could definitely be interpreted multiple ways, and I have seen how people can be incredibly insensitive on the internet.
You are not defined by these disorders. Wherever you are on the spectrum, you are defined by who you are as a person, and how God views you, not how other people do. I have too many things I would like to say, and right now none of them are clear in my mind, but I will report back whem i have had a chance to think.
Hashem loves you, and from what I’ve seen of you, I like you too.