Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim

Home Forums Yom Tov Purim Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim Reply To: Giving Alcohol to Minors on Purim


Drinking IS a part of Purim, and is a core part of the mitzvah. Drinking to sechok and holellus instead of simcha is not, and drinking to the point that one is mevatel mitzvos isn’t either. I look forward to reading Rabbi Rosenberg’s column, but i would like to see what he does with the consensus of poskim who hold that the common “rolling on the floor in vomit”-type drinking is completely assur, and is not the mitzvah. Even the chayey Adam holds that drinking where one ends up being mevatel brochos, bentching, maariv etc is completely assur. Passing out before bentching is completely assur (and yes I spent many years in yeshiva so don’t tell me this doesn’t happen).